Storage - National Radioactive Waste Coalition

We lost 88-2.

Thanks to all who worked to stop this monumental disaster nuclear bill S870. Thanks to Rep Doggett and 12 others (in house in May) and Senators Markey and Sanders (in Senate June 18th) for voting No. “Passage of this legislation will only increase the danger to people already living downwind of nuclear facilities from a… Continue reading We lost 88-2.

Yucca Mountain licensing is a waste of time and money

By Robert Halstead, Las Vegas Sun | March 12, 2024 “Walking away from Yucca Mountain offers important advantages: • $2.4 billion or more will be saved. • Ending the program would allow agencies to search for an acceptable alternative using consent-based siting — the approach successfully used in Finland, France, Sweden and other countries. The… Continue reading Yucca Mountain licensing is a waste of time and money

Nuclear waste transportation draws opposition in west

Eric Tegethoff | June 28, 2023 (Northern Rockies News Service) Concerns are growing in the west about nuclear waste transportation.  Tuesday, the Snake River Alliance held a webinar on these concerns, heightened by the potential of a temporary waste facility opening in New Mexico.  Kevin Kamps is the radioactive waste specialist for Beyond Nuclear. He said… Continue reading Nuclear waste transportation draws opposition in west
