Yucca Mountain licensing is a waste of time and money - National Radioactive Waste Coalition

Yucca Mountain licensing is a waste of time and money

By Robert Halstead, Las Vegas Sun | March 12, 2024

“Walking away from Yucca Mountain offers important advantages:

• $2.4 billion or more will be saved.

• Ending the program would allow agencies to search for an acceptable alternative using consent-based siting — the approach successfully used in Finland, France, Sweden and other countries.

The Yucca Mountain site itself is so flawed that restarting the licensing process would be a serious, distracting waste of time and resources. Walking away would save time and resources.

For our nation to make progress disposing of its nuclear waste, it is time to walk away from failure and try something new.”

Maybe it is time that we again discussed how best to maintain nuclear waste…


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