Transportation - National Radioactive Waste Coalition

Tritium at Nuclear Power Plants

Tritium is a naturally occurring radioactive isotope that is found in the upper reaches of the atmosphere and rarely occurs naturally on the surface of the Earth. It is produced as a byproduct of the normal operations of nuclear reactors and is found in the fuel pools of reactors where the highly radioactive rods are stored at many reactor sites once they can no longer be used to produce energy.

Nuclear waste transportation draws opposition in west

Eric Tegethoff | June 28, 2023 (Northern Rockies News Service) Concerns are growing in the west about nuclear waste transportation.  Tuesday, the Snake River Alliance held a webinar on these concerns, heightened by the potential of a temporary waste facility opening in New Mexico.  Kevin Kamps is the radioactive waste specialist for Beyond Nuclear. He said… Continue reading Nuclear waste transportation draws opposition in west
