Date(s) - 09/26/2023
6:00 pm MDT – 7:15 pm MDT
What Happens When a Nuclear Power Plant Shuts Down?
Join us Tuesday, September 26th at 6:00 pm MT and find out first hand what it’s like to live in a reactor community and what happens to the people and the place after a nuclear plant shuts down.
Deborah Katz, CSW is executive director of Citizens Awareness Network, a nonprofit, grassroots New England organization fighting for clean air, democracy, and environmental justice. CAN was instrumental in the closure of reactors in MA, VT and CT. Katz designed the community health study with the MA Department of Health, organized local community participation and secured pro bono support from Harvard School of Public Health, USGS, Clark University, and John Snow Institute to investigate the epidemic of disease in her community brought on by long term exposure to radioactive releases from a nuclear power reactor. She has coordinated environmental justice tours to Utah, Nevada, Washington, DC and South Carolina, three Action Camps, and a national People’s Summits on Nuclear Waste. Katz won a Giraffe Award for “sticking her neck out” to protect New England reactor communities. The House of Representative from the Commonwealth of MA cited her for outstanding leadership and service in the public health field. Katz is an author who published In The Valley of the Shadow, a picture book on the grief process for those left behind.
If you cannot attend, you may register anyway and either enter your question during registration or email your questions to We will send all registrants a link to the recording about a week following the session.