Comment Period for Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (extended beyond the original 14-days!) - National Radioactive Waste Coalition

Comment Period for Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (extended beyond the original 14-days!)

Date(s) - 03/24/2023 - 04/14/2023
All Day


The Department of Energy (DOE) opened public comment for the Bill Gates Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment draft Environmental Assessment (EA) proposed for Idaho National Lab. 

Initially DOE gave the public only 14 days to obtain, read, and comment on the EA. The Snake River Alliance, our members, and NRWC allies requested DOE extend the public comment period. The day before the comments were due, DOE agreed to provide an additional 14 days.

Fuel to feed this molten chloride nuclear reactor experiment comes from highly enriched uranium feedstock that DOE has at Idaho National Lab. The waste streams created stay in Idaho, and put workers and our sole-source freshwater aquifer at risk. No power goes to Idaho homes. Idaho is being used to forward Gates’ Wyoming TerraPower project. The TerraPower project in Kemmerer, Wyoming is currently stalled primarily because Russia is the main source of HALEU fuel and sanctions currently prohibit purchase.

Learn more and read the EA HERE! Comments are due April 14th.

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