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“Radioactive waste is a problem that we will hand on to future generations. There is no good solution but we must do the best we can with what we have to work with. The best solution is to stop creating it.”

NRC: No Extension for Monticello Reactor!

Make your comments to the NRC online or via e-mail. Comments may be submitted to the NRC electronically with reference to Docket ID NRC-2023-0031 using the email address

Copy and paste the sample comments linked here in your email. Add a sentence at the top about why this issue is important to you to make your comment unique, or leave it as is.

Should Xcel’s Monticello nuclear reactor on the Mississippi run for 80 years?

The reactor in Monticello, Minn. recently leaked 829,000 gallons of radioactive water, which likely reached the Mississippi River, including the drinking water for 20 million people including those in the cities of Minneapolis and New Orleans and others in between. Now Xcel is asking permission to run the leaky, accident-plagued reactor until it is 80 years old! But we can say no! Will you add your voice?

Say no to the license extension at


We call on Buu Nygren to take concrete steps to SHUT DOWN PINYON PLAIN uranium mine near Grand Canyon, adjacent to Sacred Red Butte.

Haul No! was founded in late 2016 as a Diné-led initiative aimed at stopping both the Canyon Mine (now rebranded Pinyon Plain) and the White Mesa Mill, with proposed transport through Diné Bikeyah, our traditional homelands. Co-founders Leona Morgan, Sarana Riggs, and recently-transitioned Klee Benally led an awareness and action tour in 2017, educating and training communities along the haul route starting at the uranium mill in Ute territories to its point of origin: the mine in Havasupai homelands.

In a March 14, 2014 Democracy Now! interview, focused on Pinyon Plain/Canyon Mine and the greater problem of uranium mining, Klee referred to the estimated 15,000-20,000 abandoned uranium mines across the so-called United States as “a toxic legacy that impacts us to this day. It’s really a slow genocide of the people, not just the Indigenous Peoples of this region.” 

Haul No! was founded specifically to take on this work, as volunteers, to prevent further contamination to our lands, water, air, and future generations by the company Energy Fuels at both ends of the haul route, from Pinyon Plain/Canyon Mine to the White Mesa Mill.

Regarding water and environment, Klee stated, “There are no winners when we destroy Mother Earth, when we destroy the water that we need to drink, [when] we destroy the air that we need to breathe and the ground that we need to feed ourselves from.” Haul No! works toward protection, not destruction of our Mother Earth. In Klee’s words, “Wherever there’s an environmental crisis, there’s a cultural crisis because we are people of the Earth.”

Haul No! has been consistent in our call to SHUT DOWN THE MINE and to STOP THE MILL. After the transition of our brother, our colleague, comrade, mentor, and friend, we continue the fight for the protection of our Peoples, to defend the sacred, and to put an end to nuclear colonialism. 

We are done being a resource colony! We are done allowing our Peoples to suffer and die, only to power and fuel the outside world. We are done with poor quality or NO CLEANUP of all extractive industries, including an impending new wave of so-called clean energy that only rapes our Mother Earth. 

On January 14, 2024, Navajo Nation President Nygren issued a statement via social media dated January 11, 2024 regarding Pinyon Plain uranium mine. In response to this statement, Haul No! demands that President Nygren MAKE A FIRM COMMITMENT WITH CONCRETE STEPS TO STAND UP FOR OUR PEOPLE! We need action behind words. 

We demand that Buu Nygren use his authority as the President of the largest Indigenous Nation (by surface acreage) to work with Governor Hobbs of Arizona to DEMAND A SHUT DOWN by limiting Energy Fuels’ mining permit to closure and post-closure activities with the highest quality cleanup of the mine and surrounding public forest lands. 

We demand a commitment of the Navajo Nation President to use his authority to work with President Biden to correct the loophole, the environmental racism and cultural assault of the new national monument that allows Pinyon Plain and others with “valid existing rights” to desecrate our sacred homelands.

Beyond the world of western legalese and the limited quasi-sovereignty of our colonial Navajo Nation government, we demand Buu Nygren to step up to the obligations of our Diné teachings to protect our sacred places, our lands and waters, and our future generations.

We invite Buu Nygren and all Diné leaders to join us on the frontlines to stop this mine and to stop the transport if it comes to that. We are done with prepared statements and hollow gestures. WE DEMAND ACTION NOW!










Write to Stop Ohio H.B. 434

This is a bad bill that is under the radar, and we have just a few days to be heard.

Ohio House Bill 434 would create a secretive new Ohio Authority that would dip into the public treasury for unspecified amounts of money to support research and development of what is called an “advanced” nuclear reactor. However, the entities behind the bill want to build old and failed nuclear power technology. Only 7 people testified in favor of this bill in the House, 5 of whom would potentially be direct beneficiaries of the bill.

Ohio residents are asked to contact their legislators and write letters to the editor of their local paper. Other folks, read on:

The Ohio Nuclear Free Network has created a 4-page fact sheet with 28 concise points on why this bill is dangerous and precedent-setting: OHIO HOUSE BILL 434, Information for Legislators (Google document). Write a letter in your own words, copy and paste talking points from the flier, or send the entire flier. 

Send your letter to the 13 members of the Ohio Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee:;;;;;;;;;;;;

It is best to send your letter as opposition testimony to HB 434.  The timing for e-mailing your letter (in PDF form, if possible) will be on the weekend of Dec. 10-11 up until 10 am Mon., Dec. 12. Send your letter along with a witness slip.

No Bailouts for Palisades or Diablo Canyon!

Act Now! Tell DOE: No Bailouts for Diablo Canyon and Palisades

The suggestion to extend the operational life of Diablo Canyon and Palisades with a bailout program for which these reactors may not even qualify is an outrage and a betrayal to those of us seeking a clean and safe energy future. 

The DOE must make sure the community and workers at Palisades and Diablo Canyon land on their feet, help save the climate, and transition these states to an affordable, sustainable future with good jobs in the new energy economy.

Tell the Secretary of Energy: NO to Nuclear Bailouts and YES to Just Transitions at California and Michigan Nuclear Reactors

“Angry Poodle” on Possible Diablo Canyon Resurrection

This article, “Zombie Power: Governor Newsom Brings Diablo Canyon Back from the Dead: Hedging Our Bets Between Climate Change and Nuclear Catastrophe”, discusses the dangers from climate change, the financial cost, and the lost opportunities for wind energy if the Diablo Canyon Power Plant is not closed as scheduled.

Gov. Newsom: Close Diablo Canyon As Planned!

Gov. Newsom, we’re done with nuclear energy in California! No Nukes

NRWC member San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace has long been anticipating the closure of Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant scheduled for 2024 and 2025. Now, a well-organized and well-funded campaign is trying to link nuclear energy to a climate solution. Governor Gavin Newsom has turned his back on the legally binding Joint Proposal to close the plant, which was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission. Newsom is interested in keeping Diablo Canyon open for an undisclosed number of years beyond its safe operating lifetime. We are outraged! It is vital that we all speak up! 
Sign the petition, call, and/or send a snail-mail letter or e-mail to Governor Newsom:

NRWC member San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace has long been anticipating the closure of Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant scheduled for 2024 and 2025. Now, a well-organized and well-funded campaign is trying to link nuclear energy to a climate solution. Governor Gavin Newsom has turned his back on the legally binding Joint Proposal to close the plant, which was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission. Newsom is interested in keeping Diablo Canyon open for an undisclosed number of years beyond its safe operating lifetime. We are outraged! It is vital that we all speak up! 
Sign the petition, call, send a snail-mail letter, or e-mail to Governor Newsom:

Send letters to the editor:

Help Us to Support New Mexico’s Governor in Acting to Stop WIPP Expansion!


The Department of Energy is seeking to modify the nuclear waste permit for southeastern New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. Dragging out WIPP’s operations decades past the original 20-year agreement violates the social contract made with New Mexicans. WIPP is being equipped to take the waste that will be generated from production of plutonium pits for nuclear warheads, and it was never supposed to do that. An expansion of WIPP will impact the entire country, not just residents of southeastern New Mexico.

View the videos below for more information, and, if you live in an area that may be endangered by these nuclear waste transportation risks, please consider making your own “This is My Neighborhood” video!

Background Information –  Playlist: Problems with Nuclear Waste

Mixed Waste Landfill Facts
